Motley Crue’s Nikki Sixx is teasing fans with some news coming sometime this week. “I just read my Wikipedia for the very first time and man do they have a lot of stuff wrong,” he tweeted over the weekend, adding, “But I guess if it’s on the Internet it must be true. I will say I’m pretty excited about next [week’s] announcement.”
That post came after Nikki shared a picture from the gym, offering, “Getting ready for a very exciting announcement next week! Got any guesses what it might be? Have a great weekend.........”
Maybe the announcement is Vince Neil is on a diet and has hired a vocal coach? But seriously I think the odds are on something solo coming from Nikki as he and the others try to take the focus off the train wreck that was Vince Neil's first solo venture post pandemic at the Boone Iowa River Valley Festival in Boone, Iowa back on May 29th!!