Van Edwards

Van Edwards

Van Edwards, rocking your middays on 101.5 IBA-FMFull Bio


Smart Technology in the Kitchen... Good or Bad Thing?

According to Innit, 2018 is the year kitchens get smart and bring millennials back into the kitchen.

Here are three ways tech's doing that:

  1. Oven's you can talk to. You can start giving instructions to preheat while you focus on the food.
  2. GPS for the kitchen. We use our GPS to get around for directions. Now, imagine a device that talks you through every step of making a meal.
  3. Groceries get smart. Smart kitchen tech can recommend meals based on your diet, then create a list of ingredients you can order. Save a trip to the grocery store.

Do you think smart tech in the kitchen is a good or bad thing? I like to grocery shop and cook. I find it very theraputic!

(Photo credit: Getty Images)

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